In January, I resolved to try to stitch every day. I didn’t take into account that my cataracts would progress so quickly, making stitching nearly impossible until I got them fixed. I had cataract surgery in April, first one eye and then the other eye two weeks later. Then it took several more weeks to resolve the eyeglass/being able to see clearly situation. Now I have happily gotten back to stitching … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2016
It’s raining today. Just a misty, cloudy, dreary day. Today is day 11 of rain in Northern Virginia. Makes me think about our time in England on the UK Embroidered Casket Tour last October. While the weather was surprisingly pleasant for the trip through Scotland and England, we did have a few typically cloudy, drizzly days. Suffering from amazing embroidery overload on the tour made me seek out dolls wherever I … Continue reading