This is my new doll. I took some photos with my phone so I could show her to you. I’ll take better photos and share more details about her soon. My blog is read by “doll people” and some friends and family who just read it anyway. The non-doll people often ask me why I choose a particular doll, especially when it’s an expensive one. I’d like to explain why … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2018
I already bought my new doll. Now I’m itching to get her into my hands so that I can measure her for her wardrobe. The dolls I’m selling are being offered by: Valerie Fogel’s Beautiful Bebes Attic Finds 425.765.4010 http://[email protected] Several people asked for this info, so please buy my dolls so that I can pay myself back for the new one. I was also asked by a few people … Continue reading
The last time I wrote a blog, 1 1/2 years ago, I wrote about Changing Direction. Last spring when I considered not renewing my WordPress account, I decided to give it another year before I made that decision. Part of my reasoning was that when I chose to sell some of my dolls, the blog photos and descriptions would be very useful. Now I have decided to sell a few dolls. … Continue reading