Even though I haven’t written a blog post since late October, yesterday My Doll’s Trousseau got 72 views. Some days it’s 2 or 5, and some days it’s 40 to 60. Earlier this month I had to decide whether or not to renew my website address. I even confirmed with my web host that all my content would go away if I didn’t renew. I decided that I’m not ready … Continue reading
It’s been a while. If you worried about me, I’m sorry. I’ve just been very busy doing non-doll and non-embroidery related stuff. We’ve recently purchased a charming cottage in the mountains of Virginia, 3 1/2 hours away from our home. And it’s a ton of work (and fun) to furnish, decorate and make livable. I’m making curtains for all the windows, painting furniture, and searching out quirky and colorful (but … Continue reading
Back in early June, I pondered whether or not I could have 2 mojoes or if I could get my doll collecting mojo back at all. I went to the Gaithersburg doll show that weekend and didn’t find any mojo there. It all felt a bit sad. Even though I enjoyed talking with several doll friends, there were fewer dealers and many of them seemed to have the same stuff they always … Continue reading
Yes, I looked it up, MOJOES is the plural of mojo. This morning at breakfast I told DH that I was going to the Gaithersburg Doll Show tomorrow to try and get my doll mojo back. He questioned whether or not it is possible to have two mojoes going at the same time or if my embroidery mojo would depart if I my doll mojo returned. Huh? Ponderous. I know … Continue reading
In January, I resolved to try to stitch every day. I didn’t take into account that my cataracts would progress so quickly, making stitching nearly impossible until I got them fixed. I had cataract surgery in April, first one eye and then the other eye two weeks later. Then it took several more weeks to resolve the eyeglass/being able to see clearly situation. Now I have happily gotten back to stitching … Continue reading
It’s raining today. Just a misty, cloudy, dreary day. Today is day 11 of rain in Northern Virginia. Makes me think about our time in England on the UK Embroidered Casket Tour last October. While the weather was surprisingly pleasant for the trip through Scotland and England, we did have a few typically cloudy, drizzly days. Suffering from amazing embroidery overload on the tour made me seek out dolls wherever I … Continue reading
We’ve been back from Paris for just over a month. I thought it was about time I shared some of our adventure with you. Paris was fun, exciting to share with Supergirl (SG) and exhausting. We saw tons of stuff, ate wonderful (non-GMO, non-high fructose, non-partially hydrogenated, non-artificial, non-Monsanto) real food, and had a lovely time. There were a few negatives, though. Since the attacks last fall, security at most … Continue reading
Back in July, 2014, I wrote a post lamenting, I Miss Shopping. But soon, I’ll be getting a major shopping fix when DH and I take Supergirl (SG) to Paris. She’s 9 1/2. There are many, many things that I love about Paris, but shopping is pretty high up there on the list. I usually don’t buy too many things, but the ones I have bought always bring back fond … Continue reading
I can’t see to stitch or saw. There I said it. Actually I can do some stuff, but not for very long because it gives me a headache. After spending most of the winter repeatedly cleaning my glasses to get that cloudy spot off the right lens, I found out that it was the “other” lens that was cloudy. The one in my eye. Yep, cataract surgery is in my … Continue reading
I’m going to use my blog to document my casket design process so I’ll have a record. It’ll help me keep track of all the ideas storming around my brain. You are welcome to follow along. To recap, I’m going to embroider my flat casket In 17th century stump work With images inspired by 19th century fairy paintings. Last October, on the UK casket tour we saw caskets of every … Continue reading