I See, I Saw, I Stitch

I can’t see to stitch or saw. There I said it.

Actually I can do some stuff, but not for very long because it gives me a headache.

After spending most of the winter repeatedly cleaning my glasses to get that cloudy spot off the right lens, I found out that it was the “other” lens that was cloudy. The one in my eye.

Yep, cataract surgery is in my future.

Everyone has a story of multiple friends whose cataract surgery was a breeze, but that doesn’t help! This is my eyesight, people!

Everything that I LOVE to do requires seeing clearly.

I usually don’t blog about health stuff (because I don’t want to), but this one affects everything I blog about.

Yesterday at the eye doctor’s office, I was given options for which type of corrective lens I wanted. Most near-sighted people opt for a lens to correct their distance vision so that they don’t have to wear glasses except for reading or close work. How annoying!

I brought “show and tell” for the doctor.

2015-05-22 13.33.16

I showed him the pincushion with the secret drawer from my doll-sized casket and some embroidery I’m working on and told him that it is very important that I be able to see to do that. I also explained that I’ve been wearing glasses since 5th grade and don’t mind wearing them.

Solution: They will use lenses that correct my distance vision a bit, but not affect my reading/close work sight. So, after surgery, my new eyeglass prescription won’t ever change and I’ll be able to see to stitch and saw again.

In a few weeks I will go to Paris with DH and SG and I’ll see everything through a cloud, but I will have a beautiful time. And in early April I will have surgery in my right eye, then 2 weeks later in my left eye, and hopefully will be able to stitch and saw again soon after.

In the meantime, I have a book review, some stitching projects I’m adding to my stash and design work on my casket that I can share with you. And after Paris, I’ll hopefully have some new treasures to share.

Blurrily yours,


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